Joshua De Gruchy

Joshua de Gruchy is an artist currently living on Wilyakali Country in far west New South Wales.

Having spent time exploring remote areas across Australia, the landscape has become de Gruchy’s primary muse; influencing his palette and lyrical style of mark making through a variety of mediums and raw materials.

Embedded with personal stories, Joshua’s work balances between the abstract and the figurative; experimenting with colour, line and form to understand how a place or memory can be recalled without being defined.   

It is during his trips out bush that de Gruchy recognises regenerative cycles and natures continuous effort to maintain stability, leading him to question the behaviours of all living things and the energies between them, and how one who observes these patterns can better understand the ways we as organisms operate on collective and individual levels.  

Joshua has found an intuitive and playful approach to painting, one which allows for the bush to be represented as it feels and the paint to fall with choice, in what he sees to be imaginary structures of the earth’s organic components. 

Joshua De Gruchy
Outside Open Doors, Wilcannia
Synthetic polymer paint on board, framed in Tasmanian Oak
120 cm x 80 cm

Joshua De Gruchy
The Cure and the Crime
Synthetic polymer paint on poly-cotton canvas, framed in Tasmanian Oak | 188 cm x 218 cm

Joshua De Gruchy
A Stranger and a Pal of Mine
Synthetic polymer paint on board, framed in Tasmanian Oak
78 cm x 58 cm

Joshua De Gruchy
Dry Heat
Synthetic polymer paint on board, framed in Tasmanian Oak
120 cm x 80 cm

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