Krystle Evans

Krystle Evans is a Barkandji woman who returned home to Country four years ago. Contemporary Aboriginal works of a confessional & feminist nature are painted, sewn & adorned with found objects and diaristic text fragments. Krystle’s work is a paradigm of traditional Aboriginal Art, storytelling and contemporary themes to create new narratives. An ever-present theme to Evans’ body of work is the inclusion of honest fragments of text that suffice as a window into the artist’s life & experiences, both personal and universal. Evans’ art is part of a thriving contemporary art scene influenced by traditional Aboriginal storytelling and art practices. 

Krystle Evans
Sad Eyes
Fabric, thread, paint and rope
30 cm x 91 cm

Krystle Evans
Fabric, thread, paint, plastic, and rope
30 cm x 91 cm

Krystle Evans
Tools you took away and one you used to categorise us
Fabric, thread, rope, wool, water bladder and faux grass reeds
30 cm x 91 cm

Krystle Evans
Queen, Goonki
30 cm x 91 cm

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