Jenny Cattonar

I was born in Genoa, Italy and came to Australia as a young child with my parents in 1951. My grandfather was a professional artist and my father worked with pencil, charcoal and ink. Apart from a commercial art course, I have had no formal training. I work in mostly oils and reproduced many works from the old masters, winning an annual Central Coast Fabulous Fakes art competition in 2009 with Memories, runner up in 2017 (to an Archibald finalist) with After The Bath, 2019 with Fighting Polar Bears and 2022 with Letter From The Sea. 

I am a member of local art groups and the Royal South Australian Society of Arts. 

I have won numerous First Prizes at galleries in White Cliffs (NSW), Broken Hill (NSW), Caboolture (QLD), and was a finalist at Winton (QLD), twice, with my original works which featured outback landscapes and portraiture.  

My special works include many commissions for portraits and a group portrait of The Brushmen of The Bush (including Pro Hart). Others include a full-size reproduction of Vae Victis The Sack of Morocco (after Arthur Hacker).  

My works have gone to France, Croatia, Italy, Ohio, California, England, Sweden and Canada. My painting style ranges from traditional to contemporary and often quirky works. 


Jenny Cattonar
Fighting Polar Bears 1839 (after Auguste Biard) 
Oil on canvas 


Jenny Cattonar
Shhh! Someone might hear 
Oil on canvas

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