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Regional Arts Fund Recovery Grant

RAF Recovery grants are designed to meet the medium-term recovery needs of artists, organisations and communities. Projects in this program should focus on activities that assist in recovery from bushfire, drought, and/or the impacts of COVID-19. Project activities could include creative recovery projects, training programs, operational recovery plans, asset purchase or replacement (up to $5000) and the development of risk plans and emergency operating procedures and responses.
The focus is on:
+ Encouraging and supporting sustainable economic, social and cultural development in regional communities;
+ Developing partnerships and networks which leverage financial and/or in-kind support for specific projects and encourage ongoing collaboration;
+ Developing audiences and broadening community engagement with the arts; and
+ Increasing employment and professional development opportunities for, and raise the profile of, regional and remote artists.
Applications close on Thursday 29 October 2020, and all RAF Recovery projects must be completed by 30 June 2024.
Contact Cathy Farry, West Darling Art's Director, about your pitch.
Email: rado@westdarlingarts.com.au
Mobile: 0487 903 507

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